Marches sheet music
Star Wars - The Marches
By John Williams, arranged by Jerry BrubakerConcert BandClassic Festival Solos for Trombone
TromboneFlying High (March)
By Larry ClarkConcert BandSounds of Spring, The
Concert BandStandard of Excellence Festival Solos Book 2 (Tuba)
TubaPrestissimo (March or Galop)
By Karl L. King, arranged by James SwearingenConcert BandStandard of Excellence Festival Solos Book 2 (Mallets)
Mallet PercussionAmerican Spirit March
By John HigginsConcert BandStandard of Excellence Festival Solos Book 2 (Baritone B.C.)
Euphonium BCStandard of Excellence Festival Solos (Bassoon)
BassoonSemper Fidelis
By John Philip Sousa, arranged by Andrew BalentConcert BandOn Navy Pier
By John MossConcert BandAdaptable Quartets for Flute
FluteElite March
Concert BandRough-Riders
By Karl L. King, arranged by James SwearingenConcert BandFidelity March
By Karl L. King, arranged by Gene MilfordConcert BandBlackthorn March
By Randall D. StandridgeConcert BandMarche Militaire Op. 51, No. 1
Arranged by Bob CerulliString OrchestraThunderer, The
By John Philip Sousa, arranged by Frederick FennellConcert BandFlying Cadets
By Karl L. King, arranged by James SwearingenConcert Band