Wizarding World sheet music
Hedwig's Theme (from "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone")
By John WilliamsSolosMagic of Harry Potter, The
Arranged by Michael StoryConcert BandComplete Harry Potter, The (Themes from all eight movies)
Arranged by Jerry BrubakerConcert BandThemes from Harry Potter
By John Williams, arranged by Paul CookString OrchestraThe Ancient Magic Theme from Overture to the Unwritten (from Hogwarts Legacy)
SolosRanrok's Rage from Overture to the Unwritten (from Hogwarts Legacy)
SolosHarry Potter, Highlights from
By John Williams, arranged by Michael StoryString OrchestraOverture to the Unwritten (from Hogwarts Legacy)
SolosHarry's Wondrous World (from "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets")
By John WilliamsSolosHarry Potter: Wizards Unite (String Flex Ensemble)
Arranged by Douglas E. WagnerString OrchestraFantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (From Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore)
By James Newton HowardSolosAn Intense Aversion/Potions Class from Overture to the Unwritten (from Hogwarts Legacy)
SolosSelections from the Harry Potter Complete Film Series Instrumental Solos (Level 2-3)
FluteThe Room We Require (from Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore)
By James Newton HowardSolosSelections from the Harry Potter Complete Film Series Instrumental Solos (Level 2-3)
Bb ClarinetSelections from the Harry Potter Complete Film Series Instrumental Solos (Level 2-3)
ViolinMan and His Beasts, A (from the movie "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them")
By James Newton HowardConcert BandThe Ceremony (from Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore)
By James Newton HowardSolosSelections from the Harry Potter Complete Film Series Instrumental Solos (Level 2-3)
Eb Alto SaxEverybody Grab a Broom from Overture to the Unwritten (from Hogwarts Legacy)