Michael Kamuf sheet music
Alone Together
By Arthur Schwartz, arranged by Michael KamufJazz EnsembleTengo Tango
Arranged by Michael KamufJazz EnsembleCompared to What
By Eugene McDaniels, arranged by Michael KamufJazz EnsembleSittin' In with the Big Band
Electric BassThe Batman (from The Batman)
By Michael Giacchino, arranged by Michael KamufConcert BandWayfaring Stranger
Arranged by Michael KamufString OrchestraSteel Valley Transformation
Arranged by Michael KamufConcert BandDance Monkey
By Toni Watson, arranged by Michael KamufConcert BandNatural (As Recorded by Imagine Dragons)
Arranged by Michael KamufConcert BandTomorrow
Arranged by Michael KamufString OrchestraHot House
By Tadd Dameron, arranged by Michael KamufJazz EnsembleSound Innovations Soloist (Bb Bass Clarinet)
Arranged by Michael KamufBb Bass ClarinetThe Batman
By Michael Giacchino, arranged by Michael KamufString OrchestraAnnie
Arranged by Michael KamufConcert BandLiar (As Recorded by Camila Cabello)
Arranged by Michael KamufConcert BandSound Innovations Soloist (Flute)
Arranged by Michael KamufFluteNow What
Arranged by Michael KamufJazz EnsembleSound Innovations Soloist (Bb Tenor Saxophone)
Arranged by Michael KamufBb Tenor SaxIn the Still of the Night
By Cole Porter, arranged by Michael KamufJazz EnsembleSound Innovations Soloist (Mallet Percussion)
Arranged by Michael KamufMallet Percussion