Lizzo sheet music
About Damn Time (Lizzo)
SolosPink (Lizzo) (from Barbie)
SolosGood as Hell (Lizzo)
SolosSpecial (Lizzo)
Solos2 Be Loved (Am I Ready) (Lizzo)
SolosTruth Hurts (As Recorded by Lizzo)
Arranged by Michael StoryMarching BandJuice (As Recorded by Lizzo)
Arranged by Jordan BarkerMarching BandGood as Hell (Lizzo) (Vocal)
Soprano VoicePink (Lizzo) (from Barbie) (Vocal)
Soprano VoiceAbout Damn Time (Lizzo) (Vocal)
Soprano Voice2 Be Loved (Am I Ready) (Lizzo) (Vocal)
Soprano VoiceSpecial (Lizzo) (Vocal)
Soprano Voice