George Frideric Handel sheet music
Standard of Excellence Festival Solos, Book 3 (Flute)
FluteStandard of Excellence Festival Solos (Mallets)
Mallet PercussionClassic Festival Solos for Alto Saxophone
Eb Alto SaxClassic Festival Solos for Trumpet
Arranged by R. Christian DishingerBb TrumpetClassic Holiday Solos (Bb Clarinet)
Bb ClarinetChristmas with Canadian Brass - Flex for Two
Small EnsembleSuzuki Viola School, Vol. 2
ViolaStandard of Excellence Festival Solos (F Horn)
F French HornStandard of Excellence Festival Solos Book 2 (Mallets)
Mallet PercussionRubank Book of Clarinet Solos (Intermediate)
Bb ClarinetStandard of Excellence Festival Solos Book 2 (F Horn)
F French HornRubank Book of Flute Solos (Easy)
FluteHallelujah Chorus
By George Frideric Handel, arranged by Bob CerulliString OrchestraStandard of Excellence Festival Solos, Book 3 (Bb Trumpet)
Bb TrumpetClassic Holiday Solos (Bb Trumpet)
Bb TrumpetHornpipe (from Water Music)
By George Frideric Handel, arranged by Richard MeyerString OrchestraStandard of Excellence Festival Solos (Tuba)
TubaSolo Time for Strings, Book 4
Arranged by Forest R. EtlingViolinAllegro from Concerto Grosso, Opus 6, No. 1
By George Frideric Handel, arranged by Sandra DackowString OrchestraConcert and Contest Collection
Bb Bass Clarinet